I love using great makeup and skincare, but what can I do to cultivate more beauty and self- confidence from within?
Great question! I truly believe in using beauty affirmations, positive statements that can train your mind to think about your appearance in a more empowered way. You may already know the benefits of affirmations and use them in other areas of your life. If so, then you won’t be surprised to know that your thoughts are directly connected to not only how you feel, but how you look! When you love your looks, that energy literally radiates from within, creating the kind of beauty no cosmetic can replicate. But this kind of confidence doesn’t always come naturally and this is when affirmations can be particularly effective.
I would love to share some of the beauty affirmations I give to my Beauty+Wellness clients:
I am beautiful in mind, body and spirit.
I love my eyes, my lips, my nose.
My skin is clear and radiant.
My body is fit and healthy.
I embrace my unique beauty.
I radiate beauty from the inside out.
I enjoy being loved and appreciated by others.
I exude confidence and charm.
I am feminine and fabulous.
I am a gorgeous, sexy woman.
My inner and outer beauty are in harmony.
I am surrounded by beauty and love.
Here are 3 practical ways to use beauty affirmations in your life:
1) Be conscious of negative self-talk throughout the day. This often happens when we look in the mirror, get dressed for the day or even when shopping. Ever try on something in “your size” and berate yourself if it doesn’t fit? Do you scrutinize the shape of your nose, state of your skin or hair texture when you see your reflection? Or perhaps you are comparing yourself to other women and feeling less-than-fabulous. Next time you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts about your looks, immediately replace them with an affirmation (or 2 or 3) from the list above.
2) Make affirmations part of your daily beauty rituals. The best time to do them is in the morning, as it’s such a wonderful way to start your day. I often use the suggestion of motivational author Louise Hay- look at yourself in the mirror, right into your own eyes, and say to yourself, “I love you, I really, really love you!” It is a very powerful practice! I also advise my clients to use their time in the mirror, applying makeup and/or skincare to lovingly embrace each feature. For example, “I am so grateful for my clear and glowing complexion”. It is most effective to say your affirmations out loud, but it is also okay to simply think them.
3) Send yourself some love. If you’re like many of us, you probably use your phone to text, email, remind yourself about appointments and much more. Why not use it to remind yourself how truly beautiful you are? Choose some affirmations that resonate with you, or create your own. Program them into your phone as alarms or notifications that will pop up at different times throughout the day. When you read the affirmation, take a moment to meditate on it and give yourself a hug, or simply smile and say, “it’s true!”
When you first start using beauty affirmations, you may feel experience resistance and emotions such as sadness or anger. This is totally normal and actually an indicator of thought patterns that need healing, which is a good thing! If you are unconscious of your negative thoughts, you cannot begin to transform your self-confidence. It is also okay if you don’t believe what you are affirming at first. In my experience, just saying them will make you feel better, if even for a short time. With practice, your mind will begin to accept these ideas and you can transform very deeply rooted beliefs.
If you would like more support boosting your beauty confidence, I would absolutely love to work with you one-on-one in my Beauty+Wellness coaching program. Email me at beauty@rebeccacasciano for more information and to schedule a complimentary phone consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!
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