HOW IT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND OPEN YOUR HEART- and other self love exercises
You know the drill. You are out at a party and some guy comes up to you. They want to talk to you and look smart and clever, but they are stumbling around with their words. They blurt out, “So what do you do?” Yawn. Not this same conversation again. You answer and nod and ask them the same. BORING! I used to tell guys I wasn’t interested in that I was an accountant. Try it. There’s not much they can ask about after that! Now, tell them you are a Reiki Master, and it will have the complete opposite effect. Instantly, you become an enigma, an international woman of mystery! That’s much more fun… and especially if he’s a hottie
See, not many people really understand what Reiki actually is. In fact, I am an educated woman who’s lived all around the world, and I had no idea what it was until someone performed it on me. I get a lot of “Oh, isn’t that like a massage or something?” Nope. Nothing like it at all. So what the heck is it then??
What is Reiki? And how can it change your life?
REIKI is a Japanese word meaning “Divine” or “Universal” life force energy (REI=Divine, spirit, soul, KI=Life energy). Reiki is actually the energy itself. It is a spiritual energy force that influences our health & well being. Over time Reiki has become the WORD that describes the ancient healing tradition, (i.e. the practice of channeling Reiki), as well as the energy itself. In essence, Reiki/the Reiki technique is the transferring universal life energy in the form of ki/qi/chi through the palms, which allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium. Reiki is something anyone can learn. It is a pure form of healing, not dependent upon talent or ability. Reiki compliments all types of healings and medicine. It also detoxifies and cleanses the body, mind, and soul.
Wow! Do you know anyone that could use Reiki in their life? I sure do! Like, um, everyone! Why is that? Keep reading.
What does Reiki feel like? How does your body respond?
When I first received Reiki, it was in November 2009. I was on vacation with my (ex) boyfriend, and I was a disaster! I was there for his 40th birthday in Tulum, Mexico, and we were on the verge of a breakup. I had moved my whole life- location, job, new city- for him, and it was not going as planned… I needed Reiki … BAD! So, I booked a massage with Reiki because the description said it would help heal my heart. Thank God I did. It was the beginning of my Reiki journey. It was soooo beautiful! For me, it felt like a glowing radiance wrapping my heart in an embrace and recharging it and my whole being. My soul and mind were tired, and I felt like I was floating afterward. I had no idea where she touched me because with Reiki you can “hover” your hands right above the area you are working on. I told her I felt it in my heart, and she said it (my heart) was very sad that was the area she focused on mostly. After our trip (I’m sure you are wondering), we shortly broke up, and I moved back to Miami. Less than a month later I began my Reiki training. The training itself gives you a powerful 21 day cleanse at minimum, physically and emotionally. Thank you REIKI!!!!
Here are some snippets from testimonials from a few of my clients on the feeling and results of Reiki:
“The overall feeling of well-being and peace made it worthwhile.”
“It is an incredible experience, which has brought unlimited peace, serenity, balance, and an overall feeling of well-being into my life.”
“I felt the energy flowing throughout my whole body!”
How can Reiki open your heart and change your life more!??
Since February’s theme is self love, I want to share how Reiki can open your heart chakra how it is an incredible practice of self love, whether you are a practitioner of Reiki or a receiver of Reiki.
As a practitioner when you become “attuned” to Reiki, your aura and vibration expands and increases allowing more life force energy to flow through your body at all times. This incredible force feeds us spiritually, and this expansion allows us to feel and experience it more fully every day we are alive. This helps to create perfect health in our bodies physically, emotionally and spiritually. When you are attuned to Reiki, you have it for your lifetime. Conversely, as a receiver of Reiki, it is an incredible act of Self Love. It feels amazing, and the Reiki removes blockages you may have been storing for years energetically and physically which enables our bodies to work more effectively, raising our vibration as well, contributing to superior health.
Reiki, self love and relationships
The power of the heart is limitless. Love cannot be taken from us ever. All we need is already inside of ourselves. We just need to be open to giving and receiving love. When our heart chakra is more open, we give and receive love freely.
How is Self Love connected to our relationships with others you ask? Reiki can support healthy, happy relationships. We are whole, good enough, and complete. Reiki can help to open the heart chakra so we can feel this fully and not be blocked in sharing and feeling this true love. Our spirit already is LOVE and will always be love, so tapping into that feeling of love, and knowing and acting on the love for ourselves, allows us to be open to giving and receiving great love with others.
Here is a basic self love exercise anyone can do:
I believe from my study of Reiki and Holistic Health that the body is always talking to us, telling us what it needs, so take the time to listen to your body. It is always sending us messages if we listen. Simply devoting 5-10 minutes a day to being quiet and listening to what comes up will help you get in touch with your intuition and mentally clear any excess chatter. Take another 5 minutes to take 5 deep breaths with your eyes closed and sit and feel into your body. What is it saying to you? Pay attention because you are worth it! YOU are perfect, whole, complete love. Feel that! <3
If you liked this article and want more juicy health, manifestation, and empowerment tips visit my Amala Health & Wellness site and sign up for my weekly emails! Also be sure to look out for more of my Reiki classes for the SERENE community.
With Limitless Love,
Gwen Alyssa Gaydos
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